Hong Kong and its Hiking Trails
Hong Kong while not necessarily famous for its hiking trails , does have many trails all over the islands and small section of mainland that make up the small country. There are several hiking marathons done each year with the MacLehose Trail race being the one best known. The article of this week looks at how Hong Kong’s nature parks and hiking trails have been transformed through the removal of bins along the hiking trail, forcing those who have rubbish which they need to throw away to carry it home where they can dispose of it there. At least that is what is being implied by the article. Hikers welcomed the change. James Lam, 36, said it was “natural for us to take our litter home” and noted that “litter could harm wild animals”. “But if they know enough about the planning of the bins, most nature lovers and hikers would not mind the small trouble of taking trash home,” Huang said. The article then goes on to say that since the removal of the bins the amount ...