
Showing posts from April, 2020

Pink Supermoon

So this week like most other weeks since the outbreak of the Corona Virus 19 (CoVid19; and doesn’t that sound really harmless?) there seems to be virtually nothing other than news stories regarding the outbreak and its effects around the world. Finding a news article that doesn’t mention the virus is like finding a needle in a haystack, and finding a news story that doesn’t involve doom and gloom of some sort, as well as not mentioning the virus is like finding a Paraiba Tourmaline (a very rare gem stone) in a haystack. Well it seems that one of the biggest things that happened outside of the virus is a ‘ pink’ supermoon last Tuesday or Wednesday (depending on which article you read). But even in this article the Corona Virus made an appearance and therefore lending the whole article a rather sad tone overall. According to the article a supermoon happens when the moon comes 10 percent closer to the Earth than normal, meaning that it essentially looks bigger to us when we see it. Ther...

Reactions to Covid-19

This is another article a different friend of mine sent me a while ago where the writer talks about his experience regarding the different methods certain countries around the world use while dealing with the Coronavirus 19. In it Mr Robert McKenzie says that he visited 3 different countries (Italy, Malaysia, and Hong Kong) and talked about the different ways people are dealing with the virus, ranging from unconcerned scepticism to paranoia and stoicism. The coverage was not in the least informative, it usually featured panels of people shouting over one another, or interviewers who valued conflict over clarity. In the article he describes how in Italy the people viewed the virus as little more than something like the flu (real name is Influenza ) and overall this was fuelled by the country’s coverage of the Virus, which seemingly was limited to talk shows filled with people shouting at each other. I personally cannot confirm nor deny this account of events though looking back at h...