Me and My Blog

Hi, I guess. Here I am sitting at my laptop staring at the screen thinking 'why didn't I deal with this earlier? It's time for me to go to bed and yet I still can't figure out what to write.' So this is what happened.

Let me introduce myself (great now I sound like a whiny teenager in some young adult novel wondering when my 'mysterious' hero is going to save me) and give you a general overview on what I am planning on writing here. My name is Milena, I'm German but have never lived in Germany or anywhere in Europe, and on that same note I have exclusively lived in Asia my whole life, most of which I've spent in Hong Kong. What's it like to live in Hong Kong you ask? Well, I guess normal? What am I supposed to compare it to? China? I've only lived there for 2 years when I was 5 until 7 so all I can really say on that matter is: I feel safer in Hong Kong; people don't stare at me when I'm walking around and it's cleaner in a sense.

Hong Kong is a mixture of the filthy rich and devastatingly poor and it's just something you grow up with when you're there, you don't notice it really. For instance, only now am I coming to terms with how much of a materialistic culture Hong Kong has bred into me, how much I take it for granted that I can replace anything any time, rather than valuing the things I already own. I overheard some people talking about their phones and some guy said that he got his phone from his father, who got a newer phone, and that the one he (the guy) has is now 7 years old, and that got me to thinking, 'I've never owned a phone for more than 3 years and then I was complaining about it all the time'.

I have worked for a couple of months in a Kindergarten in the outskirts of Beijing, worked a couple of years as an English tutor in Hong Kong, been to the Nottingham University in Malaysia to do a Foundation course for a year and visited many other places besides on holiday (in all honesty I could go on and on about the places I've visited but I will spare you), before being accepted into the University here in Malta. I am now nearly finished here and after that who knows where I'll land.

What do I plan on covering on my blog? I guess anything that interests me, though I will be mostly focusing on issues in Hong Kong.


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